
MyMemory: API technical specifications

Quick start with our REST API!

Our REST API has been designed to be as easy as possible to implement and lets you search and contribute to MyMemory archives.

Please, before you start, have a look at the Usage Limits and to the Terms of Service.


Searches MyMemory for matches against a segment.

Call example: World!&langpair=en|it

Parameter description:

Parameter Description Type Example value
q The sentence you want to translate.
Use UTF-8.
Max 500 bytes
Mandatory Hello World!
langpair Source and language pair, separated by the | symbol. Use ISO standard names or RFC3066 Mandatory en|it
mt Enables Machine Translation in results.
You can turn it off if you want just human segments
Optional 1 (default), 0
key Authenticates the request; matches from your private TM are returned too.
Get your key here or use the keygen API
onlyprivate If your request is authenticated, returns only matches from your private TM Optional 0 (default), 1
ip The IP of the end user generating the request.
Recommended for CAT tools and high volume usage
Originating IP is always overridden by X-Forwarded-For header, if the latter is set
de A valid email where we can reach you in case of troubles.
Recommended for CAT tools and high volume usage
user Authenticates the request; matches from your private TM are returned too Optional, but needs the key parameter.
Kept for backward compatibility only: now the key parameter alone is sufficient


Generates the key associated with a username.

Call example:

Parameter description:

Parameter Description Type Example value
user The username whose key we want to generate Mandatory
pass The password associated with the username Mandatory


Contributes a translation unit (segment and translation) in some language pair to MyMemory.
Without specifying any key parameter, the contribution is available for everybody (Thank you!).

Call example: World!&tra=Ciao Mondo!&langpair=en|it

Parameter description:

Parameter Description Type Example value
seg The sentence you want to add in source language. Use UTF-8 Mandatory Hello World
tra The sentence you want to add in target language. Use UTF-8 Mandatory Ciao Mondo
langpair Source and language pair, separated by the | symbol. Use ISO standard names or RFC3066 Mandatory en|it
key Authenticates the request; the translation will be submitted into your private TM only.
Get your key here or use the keygen API
de A valid email where we can reach you in case of troubles.
Recommended for CAT tools and high volume usage


Contributes a whole translation memory (in TMX format) to MyMemory.
It accepts multi-language memories and it autodetects languages from internal meta-information.
Without specifying any key parameter, the contribution is available for everybody (Thank you!).

This method is multipart/form-data only (no GET parameters are allowed).
All fields are type="text" controls, except for tmx which is type="file"

Call example:

The API call is non-blocking: it returns as soon as the file upload is finished; the real processing, that will eventually take place depending on system load, can be tracked with status API.

Parameter description:

Form control Description Type Example value
tmx The file you want to import.
This is the type="file" form control.
Mandatory hugefile.tmx
name Short import description (file name is autodetected) Optional First import
subj The subject of the TM you are importing.
Use subjects API for a complete list
Optional Medical
private Whether you want to make it available to other people or just to you Optional 0 is public, 1 is private (default)
key Authenticates the request.
Get your key here or use the keygen API
surl Context information for source language, in the form of a URL Optional
turl Context information for target language, in the form of a URL Optional


Checks the status of a TM import.

Call example:

Parameter description:

Parameter Description Type Example value
uuid Authenticates the request.
Insert here the uuid of the import request


List available subjects in MyMemory for querying and TM importing.

Call example:

Note: We also have an API for on-demand human translation services.